Monday, April 7, 2008


As part of my solo weekend, I gathered a group of people to go to a bar near me called Chupitos (translation: shots) since I have only been once and have never actually gotten a drink there. The concept behind this bar is you mostly buy shots because they are cheaper, and tend to be comprised of various liqueurs and are served in creative and delicious ways. For example, I had a "Harry Potter Chupito," which consisted of an orange slice, covered in sugar, and cooked with a flame thrower over an extremely sweet shot. I also had a "Boy Scout Chupito," which involves them making a small fire on the counter which you roast a marshmellow over before taking a shot.

This bar is notorious for their "Monica Lewinsky Chupito," which they try to trick new-comers into getting. I'm not going to go into details, but I witnessed a girl in my program taking a Monica Lewinsky a couple months ago on her birthday and it was not pleasant.

Overall, Chupitos was cool but kind of nauseating since everything (including all the mixed drinks) had SO much sugar in it.

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