Thursday, November 29, 2007


Some things I miss:

(There's more but I'm sick of uploading pictures.)

I'm getting really excited to go home. Especially since I get to see Zoe and my non-biological family. And it'll be cool to see my biological family too. Even though I'll be on the longest flight in the world in 18 days, I think time should speed up a little bit because right now I just have essays and tests for school and they are really getting in the way of me becoming the biggest piece of shit ever.

I haven't made it to my Introduction to US Literature class since last Tuesday (this includes me not going today). I started out with a legitimate excuse (being in Portugal) but that quickly evolved into "I haven't read what we're discussing," "I don't want to waste a metro ticket," "I don't feel like interacting with Rosé because it's too early and I can hear that she's awake." I haven't actually managed to oversleep yet. Obviously, I go back to sleep after I decide not go to class, but I always wake up, snooze, then convince myself not to go.

All this is going to change, soon. I have a test on Monday (so I have to go to that class - even though I'm ditching the class before to meet up with the Linguistics babe and study) and the last possibly essay prompt has rolled around for Intro to US Lit, so I'll be making an appearance to turn in my 350 word masterpiece.

You would think I would be attending every class possible since I'm missing the last week of classes to go home (always a good idea - missing the classes before the finals). I wonder if you could actually get kicked out of school here?

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