Monday, November 19, 2007


Right now it's 4:36AM Spain time. I have class at 10:00AM Spain time tomorrow (technically this) morning. I haven't made it to this class in a week and we now have "group work" that we turn in at the end of each class so I really should go.

It's not looking good.

This is not my fault, though. I really can't fall asleep. I've been trying for a few hours and I keep getting distracted by really complex, unlikely scenarios (kidnapping, high school reunions, buying things at convenience stores while speaking English, etc).

I've decided my body has just gone back to California time. Probably because I'm coming home in 26 days for Christmas.


Matt said...

did you know that your blog is tagged has been stumbled upon? er... i mean that if you click stumble upon you could come to your blog page because someone tagged it. Thats respect.

ella said...

hillary i stumble upon tagged your blog!

Hillary said...

yeah maybe that's why a random commented on my lisbon blog. soy down.