Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My Magical Day Continued

After missing my class earlier today (see George blog), I decided to leave my room for a little while and go grab some coffee with Marc. I ended up leaving my apartment at the same time as Rosé who was on her way to work finally (5pm). On the stairs, I made some small talk, and told her I was on my way to get coffee with a friend.

When we got downstairs, I introduced her to Marc who may very well be one of the worst people at coming up with things to say to people he doesn't know (not to mention that she was standing on the side of his deaf ear so he had no idea what she was saying or that she was even talking to him). After her making a joke about coming to get coffee with us (which he didn't hear), she decided to just stop walking and stand in the middle of the street waiting for us to walk away. Marc didn't understand what was going on and looked back at her - she was just starting at us. Then, instead of going straight to the coffee shop, Marc pushed me down a random side-street beacuse he was uncomfortable but it was coincidentally the same street she needed to go down to get work. The entire thing was gut-wrenchingly awkward. Esepecially since Rosé and I don't really talk that much so we won't be able to laugh about this later.

I also just found out/realized a lot of my friends aren't going to be coming home from school this summer so I probably won't be seeing much of them, which is really too bad. I'll write another entry if anything life-altering takes place in the next few hours.

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