Monday, February 11, 2008


Rosé has this disgusting plant in the bathroom right above the sink that literally smells like a 90-year-old man's anus. Not that I would know what that smells like firsthand, but I'm assuming it's something like this plant. The worst part of this is, when I brush my teeth, my mouth tastes like mint, so I can smell things VERY distinctly.

As a result, I have to inhale the smell of anus at least twice a day. Even if I step away from the sink for the actual brushing, as long as I am still in the bathroom I can still smell it. I'm waiting for it to die, but it's been going strong since at least September, and I'm pretty sure this f-ing flora is going to outlive me.


eduardoelsalvaje said...

this post really, honestly disgusted me. Please never use the word "anus" ever again. Seriously.

Joanna said...

actually I kinda agree just because I think anus isn't a term you associate with an 90 yr old man. Maybe a bed pan or doody/doo-doo. or maybe it smelled like a 90 yr olds man's SOCKS. dude I bet those smell so bad. those orthopedic shoes have like no ventilation.