Thursday, September 27, 2007

Oh Mercé Mercé Me

Last weekend were the Mercé festivals in Barcelona. The city puts on a bunch of free stuff for people to go to (such as Correfoc - a fire run) and it coincided with MTV España's Music Week which involves MTV putting on a bunch of free stuff for people go to (such as huge concerts every night at the Forum). Unluckily, I missed a lot of this because I was in Munich at Oktoberfest, but I did manage to get a good couple nights of Mercé in.

I got to see one of the three nights of Forum shows (a few Euro bands that resembled the Beatles but with more members and more instruments) and Pyromusical - fireworks set to music (think Avril Lavigne "Hey, hey, you, you I don't like your girlfriend" to mass amounts of fireworks over a crowd of people gathered in a Plaza).

Montjuic, the building that the fireworks were over

Plaza España


During the fireworkks, a voice came on the loud speaker and said something I couldn't understand. Then, all the locals in the crowd pulled out sparklers (to participate, I guess?) and held them up for the rest of the show:

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