Wednesday, August 15, 2007



Everyone is realizing that, after living solely off fried foods, cheese and beer for the last month, that we're probably going to be fatter than our new friends in Barcelona. Especially since we don't really have scales in the Residencia and even if we did, they would tell us how many kilograms we weigh, and no one knows what that means.

Instead of embracing this and investing in a large bag of Bugles and holing up in our rooms, a lot of people have started exercising, which I find completely hilarious. So far the most popular thing among the guys involves going to the beach (usually by running) and doing pull-ups on a bar down by the water while trying to pick up chicks. The girls mostly just look at pictures of themselves on facebook from before they came here and think about how skinny they used to be - sometimes this results in a run. So far I've played in the ocean twice. I think that counts as exercise, and I'm sure that cancels out the hundreds of beers I've had.

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