Monday, December 10, 2007


I went to Madrid for the four-day weekend with Joanna, Ross and Marc. Unlike the rest of our vacations, we were visiting a lot of people from Cádiz (and back home) so we did more general hanging out than I expected.

Aside from the night when Courtney and I went to Capital (the 8-story discoteca) and got way too drunk - which included stealing some guy's drink ticket, playing with bubbles for what felt like hours, and lying to new Spanish friends (I claimed I was German or Russian because I was getting offended that they kept speaking to me in English) - the weekend was pretty uneventful.

The first night there, we took a lot of videos on my camera (mostly of Ross dancing) which are posted below. Since I have absolutely no video editing software on my computer, a lot of the videos are sideways and none of them actually have a point. Also, Joanna took a video upside-down. Enjoy.

If you're not in the movies, you probably won't enjoy them because they're pretty much awful.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

hey now, how is it uneventful when you have like 4 VIDEOS OF ROSS DANCING. sounds like a good trip to me.