Thursday, July 19, 2007


Today was our first day of class. We have to go to two hours of grammer and then we get a break, and then two hours of culture. During the break today, I bought a beer from the vending machine. I need to start strategizing about how drunk I can get in the 20 minutes before culture class because sitting still for that long is really hard.

During grammer we exchanged classmates with local Cadiz students who are trying to learn English. Their English is really bad, so we just end up speaking Spanish the whole time. My buddy's name is Pedro, and his favorite movies are "300" and "Gladiator." He's shorter than me and claims that Americans are just really tall and that all guys in Cadiz are short. At the end of our exchange he asked for my e-mail and my cell phone number "if I want," and I just wrote down my e-mail trying to play it off like I didn't have a phone yet. Everything was going well, until a guy in my class yelled "Hillary, will you look in your phone for my number, I can't remember it," as I'm passing my e-mail address back to Pedro. Oh well, I'll probably see him at the bars he told me about and drunkenly confess that I just want to be friends or something humiliating.

After class today, we decided to skip the siesta and go to the beach instead. There was a plethora of small children in thongs, which was pretty disturbing, so I felt inclined to take a lot of creepy pictures which will be on Facebook. There was also an old guy who was really tan, using the public showers to wash his genitals by pulling the waist of his pants out really far. I took some creepy pictures of him too.

I miss Zoe and our old diving board. I can't wait for her to come visit me. Story of my life...

1 comment:

Joanna said...

I like how you mention a tan man washing his genitals so nonchalantly. when we get back to america we're gonna be so tolerant of everything remotely offensive. people can piss on my leg and I'll just be like hey que tal?