Monday, July 16, 2007


I've been on the plane for about two and half hours at this point, and - even though I was extremely excited for this from the get-go, since I would get a lot of reading in - I'm really bored.

Right about now, I'm realizing that this is one of the only times in my life where I'm completely starting over and will know no one. Instead of looking forward to meeting new people, I'm more excited to be forced to leave behind the desire to hang out with certain people that I know now. Right this second, for example, there are a handful of people I would love to spend a couple hours with, and there is no way that I can see them. It's so liberating.

So, reading has all ready gotten old. My clever playlist of songs that involve leaving/planes/being gone 'till November/etc. has also gotten old because the plane is making half of the song impossible to hear and the other half really static-y and every time an artist uses the letter "s" I get this weird shooting pain to some unidentifiable region of my brain. I wish I had internet. I could be playing so much mahjongg right now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome to Germany. Good luck w/ the search. Can't wait to read more.